Project Feature: Chapel Hill Office Renovation Chapel Hill, NC

Project submitted by Leah Robinson | Pivotal Lighting Design
Project photos by Leah Robinson

Project Feature: Chapel Hill Office Renovation Chapel Hill, NC

Project Description: This project included over 18,000 square feet of office space to be renovated in three phases. The scope included open-plan office space, private offices, work rooms, conference rooms, and a break room with moveable partition opening on the main conference space. Lighting and lighting controls design was provided for the project as an in-house service.

What factors contributed to the success of this project? Thanks to industry partners providing specifier pricing and limited markups, we were able to meet a very modest budget. Initially set at $6.30/sf we VE’d down to under $4/sf for the lighting and lighting controls!

What was a unique challenge associated with this project? Being both the lighting designer and a user for the project and serving a client that happens to be your employer is truly a unique team dynamic.

Project Feature: Chapel Hill Office Renovation Chapel Hill, NC

Design Team:
Lighting Designer: Pivotal Lighting Design

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