Local Events

Educational Events 

Topic: Webinar | Lighting 101: Basics of Circadian Lighting
Date: Thursday, April 13th

A LIVE webinar featuring Andrea Wilkerson, Senior Lighting Research Engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Andrea discussed terms commonly used in the lighting industry such as circadian lighting and melanopic lighting and associated metrics. Key research results to keep in mind when designing lighting for more than visual responses were presented, along some recent simulation-based research and field research results.

Social Events 

Lumen & Lunch/Lagers are Section monthly informal in-person networking socials.  All IES members, guests & those interested in becoming new IES members are invited to join.  Lumen & Lagers socials are great venues for Emerging Professionals group to attend for networking, connecting with mentors, gain career advice & friendships.

Thank you to all our members who attended our live webinars.
As a reminder, you can rewatch any of our recorded webinars on our IES Raleigh YouTube Channel
We want to hear from you! Do you have an idea for a future educational or social event?
Submit your ideas to [email protected]

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