Lighting Certification

What is NCQLP?
NCQLP is a non-profit organization founded in 1991 to serve and protect the well-being of the public through effective and efficient lighting practice. Through a peer-review process, the NCQLP establishes the education, experience and examination requirements for baseline certification across the lighting professions.

What is the value of being an LC?

  • The LC credential demonstrates to clients/customers and your peers that you have acquired the necessary knowledge, understanding, and ability to apply lighting principles and techniques successfully.
  • The LC indicates your commitment to career development and professional practice.
  • The LC acknowledges your broad knowledge base in an increasingly specialized practice making you a valuable asset to not only your company, but also the industry as well.

Exam Calendar
Next Examination: November 1, 2021 thru November 15, 2021
Early Application Postmark Deadline Fee (August 17) $ 575
Final Application Postmark Deadline Fee (September 15) $ 675
Intern Application Fee $ 100

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